The Positive Chick Soul Sisters Tribe is a place where you can be who you really are. This is a place to shine, connect, collaborate and turn up the volume of your inner self, that genius who wanted to be loved, accepted, be heard, be inspired, make a difference and feel safe. This is a place to connect deeper and get into what we call soul connections.
This is definitely a safe and POSITIVE place for your soul, if you are looking to:
1. Shift your inner BS to positive self- talk that WORKS!
2. Stop over-thinking because it ain’t fun to be in stuck-a-land!
3. Partner with serious dreamers, action-oriented, Certified Positive Chick and positive energy givers.
4. Travel and finally meet your gorgeous soul sisters in person. Adios virtual world! Bonjour true soul connections.
5. Connect with positive-minded and heart-centered women entrepreneurs from around the world and start collaborating to contribute to a positive global revolution.
Positive vibes from Montreal, Canada! Bonjour! Hello! I’m Hazel Fernandez, Founder of www.positivechick.com (your one stop shop for all things positive)
You know that you are welcome in this sacred space, soul sista! Can you feel the vibe? Read on already!
So go ahead, introduce your awesome self to your tribe of Positive Chick Soul Sisters, yes?
This tribe’s got your back…..
–> We, your soul sisters want to inspire, motivate and empower you to follow your bliss and NOT GIVE UP on your dreams. The world needs you, remember that!
–> Hold each other’s hands with love, gentleness and compassion so we can see positive changes in the areas of our lives that need inner work and TLC.
–> Soul sister accountability is key to building wonderful relationships.