How to be calm and fabulously positive in 3 easy steps


Living life as an adult is definitely challenging. We all have to face daily responsibilities, priorities, and goals to achieve. Where are you at in your life right now? What’s working? What’s not? It would be great to sit down, grab a pen and paper and start writing down those things that you want to happen-goals, dreams, whatever your heart desires. I know that we face different kinds of troubles each day, but if we stay positive all the time, things will turn around for the better.

Life is not the same forty years ago. I miss the good old days to this day where socializing was actually more personal, intimate and meaningful. Nowadays, we are all bombarded with technology advancement and it seems like everyone is living in a rat race. While the world seem to be more connected virtually, you suddenly find yourself alone because everyone you know seem to use this all too abused word, “busy”. Whether you are a single chick working in your 9-5 world, a mother of two adorable children, a business owner like me, we all find ourselves juggling too many responsibilities, increased workload which means increased stress as well. Life is a gift and it should not be a struggle to thrive in this fast-changing world. Here’s a 3 steps to stay calm,

   1. Be mindful of the present. According to Oxford dictionary mindfulness is the practice of giving complete and non-judgmental attention to one’s present experience, used as a stress-reduction technique. Our knows no boundaries between past events, present and the future. Thus, it is your responsibility to guide its focus on the present moment and notice what it is that is trying to capture your attention. If you are afraid, worried, angry and thinking negative, you are orchestrating future events that reflects fear, worry, anger and more negative thoughts. So how can you focus on the present and stop dwelling on your past mistakes, what might have beens and subject your subconscious mind to be mindful of the present? By simply staying still and focus on your breathing. If you are a beginner, start with small increments. You may give yourself two minutes, five and increase it to fifteen minutes or more.

POSITIVE CHICK TIP: Find a safe place where you can be by yourself- sit comfortably or lying in your bed. By bringing attention to your breathing you allow your mind to stop its endless wandering. You slow things down and by doing so brings calmness to your body. Your heart slows its beating and you relax those tense muscles.

   2. Have an attitude of gratitude.  A grateful heart brings peace, abundance, and positive energy. I agree that life can be overwhelming at times. A family member becomes sick. Your savings is depleted. You have trouble sleeping. A co-worker is so negative. These are a few examples of low vibrational energy that can bring you down. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can turn things around by counting your blessings. Take into account the wonderful things that you have in your life right now and write them down. Make it a daily habit to be grateful at all times no matter what circumstance you are facing right now.

POSITIVE CHICK TIP: Walking the talk is key for me to stay calm and fabulously positive. Am I like this every day? No. I do have moments of breakdown, too. I’m human and I’m not after perfection. The most important thing is to look for the things that I am grateful for especially when I’m having a bad day and decide to be grateful. I have a gratitude journal that I keep daily. It reminds me to elevate my energy and stay in that beautiful state of mind.

  3. Give without expecting in return. Giving without expecting something in return is a way of activating abundance in your life. Believe that you are already abundant when you are giving away your time, love, money and resources to others. You must remember that giving out of lack is not the way to attract more abundance but to attract more lack in the future. When you give with the intention to help without any expectation this puts you in a place of abundance already. And your act of kindness will be rewarded. “What you sow you will reap.”

POSITIVE CHICK TIP: Giving is an act of serving others. There is a sense of fulfilment within your soul when you extend a helping hand to someone. This doesn’t always have to entail money. It means you can help a homeless person, a shoulder to cry on when a friend is going through tough times and giving back in your community. Would you rather be a vessel to bless others and make an impact in someone else’s life? Find a cause that you believed in and make a commitment to bring positive change today. What can you give to someone today?

If you need a boost of positive energy, what are you waiting for? I’m giving a few spots of my Positive Chick Soul Sessions to women who needs encouragement, support, and accountability. Book your session now!