5 Steps to awakening the Positive Chick in you (Ode to Awaken the Giant Within)


New year. New resolutions. New results. New projects. New adventures. Everything is new. But are you happy with your current results and is your dream strong enough to sustain you throughout the rough seas of life?

Is your WHY supported with your core values and what matters to you, those around you and will it create a positive change in the world?

It is great to stay positive when things are going your way, all roads are smooth, you have everything in control, and all things are amazingly positive, right? But what happens when you face challenges that are out of your control? You lost your job, breakup with your partner, debts are high and funds are low to none, family and friends are not supportive with your dreams, negative people who are dragging your spirits down and making you feel like you’re not good enough, smart enough, add your own story, the list goes on and on….I totally empathize with you, soul sister. I’ve been there, done that. It’s almost easy to give up on your dreams and call it quits, right? NOOOOOOOO!!! I am here to inspire, motivate, encourage, and empower you to not give up on your dreams no matter how impossible it may seem to your logical mind, or how are you going to make it happen

Here’s 5 sure fire ways to becoming a more positive chick and make it a lifestyle. Your future self will thank you if you stay committed to yourself. You deserve to live an amazing and authentic life.

1. Breathe. Meditate. Think Positive.
I make sure that I am thankful for each new breath, every morning. Then, I will pray and offer my dreams, desires and goals for the day. Loving myself is part of the process because we cannot truly love others when our love tanks are completely empty.

2. Be grateful.
I have heard about this for a long time now and thought I was grateful about everything in my life. Apparently not. I made sure that gratefulness is incorporated in my lifestyle now. My mom taught me to count my blessings instead of the challenges or situations that I don’t have any control on. This new year has brought me loads of blessings and I am truly grateful for each of them. My life is not perfect as it should not be. Yet when I stay on my grateful spot, magic appears. It includes earthly angels that come into my life and help me with the things that I need at that specific moment. It is so awesome and I am in awe each time I remember them and it brings a smile.

3. Forgive.
This is my favorite F-word. I forgave myself first for all the things that I consider a failure or a bad experience. I take 100% full responsibility for all the things that I attracted in my life, people, experiences, bad breaks and more. Forgiving is freeing. I also forgive others because that frees me from all sorts of bitterness, resentments, complaints, and ungratefulness. Forgiving those who wronged me doesn’t mean that I will let those people walk all over me again. No. They simply have to go. I move on with my life without them because I know that they s-l-o-w me down in terms of my own growth and expansion. These are the pessimistic, critical and negative Nellies. Sometimes it is very difficult because these people may be a family member, a best friend, a person you love, care and respect but when you know that it’s time to let go. Then, there is no turning back.

4. Embrace Mistakes.
Last year was huge for me. I grew up in a culture where I have to excel. I have to be the best. I have to be first and great in everything that I do. But after 36 years of living on this amazing planet, I say, hello to embracing my mistakes, mishaps, road bumps, cul-de-sacs and more. I love the idea of failing forward because they really helped me become who I am now. I must be careful and not be too hard on myself. I love when I get lost during my journey because it brings me new self-discovery, new paths, new connections to the Divine and meeting wonderful people along the way. There are really nice and amazing people out there. They are the ones who are being placed in our path at the perfect time of our needs.

5. Celebrate.
I don’t know about you but since the dawn of loving myself, I started celebrating my little achievements, like giving up sugar or soda. I actually treated myself to a spa last year when I failed an exam. I said to myself, screw all the rules of the land. I failed and I must celebrate because it gave closure to the things that aren’t really for me. I deserved to be happy and feel good during a difficult moment. It doesn’t mean that it is right but for me, I have to do it instead of crying and sulking in a pity party. Trust me I had loads of those, too. I cry when I feel like it. But when I wanted to celebrate. I go all out! We live in a world where society focuses more on your failure, mistakes, you can’t do it, you are not enough crap! I am here to tell you that if world/people won’t celebrate with you. It is all good. You can go alone and treat yourself to what you think is best for you. I don’t need anybody’s permission but myself. I cut all the shackles of you can’t do this, you can’t do that….Enough! I am going to celebrate whether I fail or succeed. Is that too much to ask for? I don’t think so.

What makes you happy and how do you stay happy when things go wrong?

Let us know what you think by sharing your thoughts below.

Your voice matters. Your comments could inspire others who are going through a tough time. It’s time to connect with each other.

  • Patsy O’hara

    #5 really hits me like a brick wall. I love this mentality “I failed and I must celebrate because it gave closure to the things that aren’t really for me.” When the world or other negative people reject you and/or make you feel like you are worthless, its hard to maintain composure and not let it bother you. I recently had to let an employer go because I was so exhausted from hearing about all of my mistakes and little errors; this lasted 10 months! I had to sit in private meeting after meeting and listen to criticism with no guidance for improvement. I struggled with the questions “How much longer should I try to prove myself or keeping working harder than everyone else to be accepted?” and “How do I know and when is it alright for me to let go?” For whatever reason, they would not fire me and it was like a constant power struggle, where no one could agree and common ground could not be found. I felt like a loser, failure, and quitter when I resigned, but I felt as though I had no other choice. So, in a way I “cut all the shackles of you can’t do this, you can’t do that.” Now, I have a different job that pays a lot less, but the environment is so much better and employees are valued.

    • http://www.positivechick.com/ Hazel Fernandez

      Hi there Patsy! Hazel here. How are you doing? Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts about #5. You are not alone. I’ve learned the hard way myself. I had to quit a job and let go of employers who are so good in pointing your mistakes, but doesn’t add any positive reinforcement. We don’t need that shit. Negativity can wreak havoc in our health, mental health and our relationships, suffers sometimes if we are not able to resolve issues. I reckon, our own self-acceptance is more than enough instead of getting hurt by society or organizations/employers/co-workers/partners/’negative friends’ who puts us down because of their own ‘ignorance’ and inability to empower others due to their own fears and insecurities. Good for you. I’m so proud that you made that shift and create a positive environment. Money can’t pay for peace of mind, positive energy and boosting your own morale.