In this video, WORLD MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS DAY I share my own mental health struggle. Watch until the end.

Balls to the walls! Hell yaaaaaas!! 💥🚀🚀

In my world, everyday is a healthy mental awareness day.
It’s the story of my life and I will educate people to be kind and understanding knowing that even if I look like I have everything together – I don’t. But. For the grace of God where I use my life as a testimony that my diagnosis won’t define who I was. Because. I AM focused on who I am BEcoming. My yellow brick road to becoming a Positive Chick wasn’t a walk in the park. Let me paint a picture for you – I was diagnosed with adult ADHD at 34 years old. Got depressed for years (undiagnosed), I had severe anxiety to the point that my poor little body was chained in bed for months. Lost a lot of weight. Lost everything. Hello rockbottom! 💖😘

My women clients who are amazing struggled with negative self-talk/thoughts even if they don’t have any medical diagnosis, this alone is a big issue that we must talk about. Hence, my passion to talk about this unpopular topic because it’s counter-intuitive with my brand. Right now, my brand is connecting with heart and soul to those who are suffering and dying in silence. They might look great on the outside but if you probe and ask the right questions – you might get the honor to listen to how resilient these brave souls are. How they survived traumatic childhood experiences that haunts them in their adult lives. I’m grateful and blessed to hear a gazillion of stories from everyone whom I met virtually and in person.

Since there’s not much who talk about this… I will. Because. God has put a burden in my ❤️ to help free them from their own mental and emotional incarceration – a lot of them are not able to get out of this torture. It’s an oppression. We’ve lost a lot of our brothers and sisters because they can’t handle the pain, shame, criticism, put downs and name calling. Shaming people because of their mental illness is not gonna help them heal. Instead, giving them positive reinforcement and encouraging them to talk about their stories so they can heal. That’s what I do.

It’s easier to empathize with people who are physically disabled than those people like me who is highly functioning yet there are days where I coudn’t even do a simple task (to be honest with you)…
Not faking it or pretending to be positive all the time. Because. What you don’t acknowledge will continue to be an issue.

What are you going to do today to take care of YOUR own mental health?


Hazel xo
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