Why your positive energy is needed by our planet right now


I am a very optimistic person and always think outside the box. I’ve manifested amazing things in my life yet I continued to attract the not-so-good things in my life, unfortunate events, self-sabotage, negative situations and toxic people. I didn’t understand it up until my awareness has shifted and being taught by a great teacher/mentor/life coach that my life has changed in a positive and meaningful way. If you are sick and tired of negativity, read on.

Do you want to be your own Rockstar Positive Chick? 

Your 9-5 corporate gig is a facade.

You are TIRED from being surrounded with negativity and flakiness of your co-workers and you’re SICK of the constant struggle

And. RIGHT NOW it feels like you LIVE it. You BREATHE it.

You’re done faking it.

You’re supposed to be a POSITIVE CHICK. But you’re not. The years of working corporate along its internal politics have chipped away the real you.

You pretend to be someone you’re not just so you can fit in.

And, you’re tired listening to the gossip…of other women complaining about their shit… How tired they are. How lazy their partner is. How exhausting the kids can be. The never-ending adult responsibilities- cooking, cleaning, school stuff, bills, mortgage, credit card debt, date nights, the whole nine yards!

You don’t want to be one of them.

Sure your home life is okay YET you want more. You want a life with happiness, creativity, charge your Positive Chick energy, create loving relationships and be a catalyst for POSITIVE CHANGE.

Are you a single mom and you’re tired of taking care of the household on your own?

You give EVERYTHING for your children and leave nothing in the tank for yourself.

Your life has left you exhausted. With no energy for even a little time to yourself or a touch of self-love. Your positivity tank is depleted, dry and you’re becoming negative, agitated, and you’re about to explode!

Add to that your pitiful social life.

You’re stressed.

You know life can be so much better. And more.

You miss the good old days. YOU absolutely miss living like the ROCKSTAR POSITIVE CHICK that you are. You want to paint the town red. Hang out with your girls. Surround yourself with Positive Chick Soul Sisters where you can FEEL the flow of your POWERFUL FEMININE ENERGY.

How long has it been now since you were together with a tribe of women who got you?

Who want the same things that you want out of LIFE…

Who are on the same spiritual journey? Who are your tribe of women? Who are your Positive Chick Soul Sisters?

There are so many women like you who are suffering in silence.

OVERWHELMED. STRESSED. DEPRESSED. MISERABLE. TOXIC. NEGATIVE. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You don’t have to be one of them.

Don’t be a statistic.

How long are you prepared to continue to live like this? Are you going to let your dreams sit on the back burner? That time may pass without them becoming real.

You know that you’d be happier if you were to re-ignite that fire of positive feminine energy within you.

But where do you start? How do you tap into that ROCKSTAR Positive Chick you used to be? To be a phenomenal woman.

How do you make her real again? If not now, when?

Do this now….Close your eyes and visualize your future self 3 years, 5 years, 10 years from now….

What would your life be like, feel like if you were to increase your vibe? To change your mindset? And, your energy flow? To be more positive? To be a positive energy giver wherever you go.

Your life would be fabulous!

Imagine for a minute that you’ve already living the life you desire. That you’re living a more fulfilling and happier life. One where you’re bursting with positive energy. Where you’re healthy and happy. With strong loving relationships.

To feel the freedom within to do anything you love doing. To be the person you love being.

Don’t fret, it’s not too late soul sister!

Designing a life full of happiness, love, vitality and flowing with positive feminine energy is easier than you think!

You can have this and more. You simply need to choose.

I’ve opened up a few spots this week to chat with women just like you who are ready to tap into your inner goddess, and bring out the Positive Chick within you.

Let’s talk and find out if we are a good fit! BOOK your FREE 30-MINUTE POSITIVITY CALL soul sister!