I know you won’t read this…but you might want to share it anyway

Happy woman against the nature

My love for reading started when I was a little girl. I remember being sucked in a world full of villains, heroes, heroines and inspirational characters as far as my imagination could capture. I’m in awe when a writer can translate words and paint a vivid picture of how the story goes down until the very end. I’m fascinated and curious between the good and evil. And why people choose actions that attract negativity. So there’s Darkness vs. light. Villain vs. Hero. Winning vs. Losing. Failure vs. Success. Cause vs. Effect. Negative vs. Positive.

 I can see your eyes rolling and I hear you ask, “Are you telling me that I attracted everything in my life? My answer is yes! Yes. You attracted those unhealthy relationships with men, negative-minded friends who love to rant, gossip, complain about their bad breaks, negative bosses, co-workers, sickness, and so on?” If you haven’t noticed, “Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality.” My journey to ‘positivity Ville’ clearly had to do with a laundry list of negativity that caused me to change my mindset, habits and the people I hang out with. You can’t think negative and expect positive results. Life doesn’t operate that way. Change ain’t easy but it’s worth your effort. Below are 5 incredible lessons negativity has taught me about positivity and how it changed my life in a profound and meaningful way.

1. Every unfair situation brings a positive lesson.  

Think about a negative situation that you have encountered in the past, i.e. nasty breakup, fight with your husband, disagreement with a co-worker, betrayal from a close friend….While they seem to sound pretty negative, painful, embarrassing and to some, it can be traumatic, but let’s be honest, you probably learned something positive from that unfortunate situation. So when a negative situation shows up, be grateful for it and look at the positive lesson

POSITIVE CHICK TIP:  When life gives you an assignment through a negative, difficult people and events, take a deep breath, be grateful for its presence. I know it’s easier said than done. Now do your best to look at the positive that you’ll take away for good.

2.  Every negative experience is a blessing in disguise.

I understand how a negative circumstance can be devastating especially if you are in the middle of a crisis, unfortunate events that are out of your control such as divorce, fight with loved one, an argument with a close friend, losing a job, or sickness. We all go through difficulties at some point in our lives. And it’s up to us to decide whether we want to learn from the ‘assignment’ that life has handed over to us in order to grow and expand our awareness.

POSITIVE CHICK TIP: We are all going through our own journey and believe me sometimes things that happen to us won’t make sense especially if you are going through a messy event, your logic wouldn’t get it. However, you’ll see that as soon as the dust settles, everything that happened in your life will all of a sudden make sense. It’s the tapestry of life.

 3. Negativity can be a wonderful teacher.

Whether you agree with me or not, negativity can be a great teacher. Try this. “Can you remember all the positive things that happened in your life?” Think of them right now. It might take awhile. “Now, can you remember a negative event that brought so much pain, hurt, devastation and even depression in your life?” I’m sure you have a thing or two that pops into your head. Why? Because our mind is conditioned to remember things that are unpleasant, painful and negative so that we won’t fall in making the same mistake again. If not, life will make sure that you’ll get your lesson the next time around.

POSITIVE CHICK TIP: All the negative experiences that you went through and overcome actually made you a stronger person which helped you see the positive side of life.

4. Know the secret of the law of attraction.

It is everywhere. At some point in your life, you live in it, there’s so much drama, chaos, negative and toxic people trying to bring your energy down. Observe and become aware of the things in your life and the world around you now, it’s all over the place. It can be depressing to listen to the news. Like attracts like. That means a negative mind that’s filled with fear, worry, lack, doubt will attract more negativity in the future. It is a hard pill to swallow yet knowing what to focus on can either bring you more negativity or positivity.

POSITIVE CHICK TIP: Everything is energy. Think about your thoughts as prayers. What do you want to attract more in your life right now? What are you thinking right now? Be aware of it all. And don’t judge yourself for thinking negative thoughts. Be gentle and open to the lessons that you can learn from it. You have the choice to attract anything you want. If you think negative thoughts, you’ll attract more of that. That’s how the Law of Attraction works.

5. It can bring disease to your physical body.

If you are like me how tried so many things to get rid of your unhappiness, misery, and bad breaks how come you are still fighting against that negative energy over and over again? When you are constantly focusing on negative thoughts about your future…. i.e. what to eat, how to get out of debt, how to attract the right man, how to lose weight, where to get an extra income to support your family’s needs, worrying too much, afraid of failure, success, and feeling like you’re not good enough or smart enough, then, whether you like it or not it will make you sick. Physically. It is not good for you. Plain and simple. It’s time for you to break up with negativity. Now.

POSITIVE CHICK TIP: I’m sure you are an amazing person. You have tried ways to let go of anything that you no longer need from self-help books, watching the gurus online yet you’re still struggling on how to break up with that heavy, negative and toxic energy within your mind or maybe the people around you drains your energy. It’s time to make a big decision. Maybe it’s time to change your mindset. Time to refill your positive energy tank so you can be your happiest and most positive person on the planet who makes a difference wherever you go.

If you want to know more on how to say adios to negativity and become your own Positive Chick, let’s talk soul sister!