Everyone likes the TV show where the gossipy lady or guy tells everyone’s secrets, thus creating drama and chaos. In life, people tend not to appreciate the gossips. Unless you are one of the people who thrives of drama and chaos and I call those people Chaos Cravers.
We all know someone like that. The lady that is involved in everyone’s business or the guy who tells everyone what happened when the neighbors were fighting last night. These are the people that seem to be in the middle of every drama, the drama at school, at work, in the clubs your kids are in and always pop up with a smirk and a bit of juicy gossip.
Chaos Cravers thrive on the big story with the juiciest details and sometimes, when the story doesn’t live up to their expectations, they will embellish, color the details to be more lively and vibrant.
It’s like that children’s game “Telephone” It starts with a simple statement. For example, She sells seashells by the seashore. The first child tells the next and so on until you’ve hit ten people and then the tenth person relays the message, which inevitably turns into “She sells crack cocaine to children down by the docks on Sundays.” The same thing happens with adults, believe it or not. I’m sure you can think of a time a rumor about you or a friend or family member came back to you and it was so far off from the truth it was laughable.
Something I like to remember before telling people anything which you can apply in your life, too:
T- True
H- Helpful
I- Inspiring
N- Necessary
K- Kind
Why is THINK important?
T- True- Lies can RUIN lives! Once, there was a rumor I heard about a sixth grader being pregnant and guess what, she wasn’t and she was then labeled a slut for doing nothing! She was hurt and couldn’t seem to live down the lie. How awful is that?! Why cause that kind of long-lasting pain?
H- Helpful- Does it help anyone in the long run? Ask yourself this question: will it matter in a week? A month? A year? If the answer is no, then it is most likely not helpful. If it isn’t going to save someone’s life or save them from pain, why say it? Along with this idea, saying “no offense” and then saying someone offensive is no helpful!
I- Inspiring- All Positive Chicks aim to inspire our sisters (and brothers) in positivity. So why spread things that aren’t inspiring? You may notice on the Positive Chick Facebook page, you never see stories that are hate-filled or that don’t uplift because we want to inspire the world to be a loving place! Why fill the page with stories that weigh people down?
N- Necessary- It the statement you are about to say necessary? If you heard through the grapevine that Jennie’s husband has a drug problem, how does it help anyone to spread that news? Does it make Jennie’s husband suddenly realize and go into recovery? Does it make drugs disappear from our community? No, so why risk hurting Jennie’s family to spread the rumor?
K- Kind- Kindness is the key to peace. While some people may hurt you or others, and love seems impossible, kindness is what keeps us from having mini-wars all around us. Yes, there is most certainly someone you have to see daily or even from time to time that has hurt you but starting to say unkind or hurtful things about that person doesn’t solve anything but kindness and if you can muster forgiven and love, that can solve everything.
If you encounter a “Chatty Cathy” or a “Gossipy Gladys” try to remember to THINK and use kindness to stop the drama and embrace the love!
By Tania Baker