3 Ways to Celebrate Your Strengths and Accomplishments


Life can be hectic at times. Each day brings new challenges, problems, stressors, worry, anxiety, and negativity. But we are not going to talk about what is not working in your life today. I’m talking about celebrating your strengths and accomplishments. If you’re like me, growing up was all about winning, competing, racing to be the first, to be the best, to excel in everything you do. If you are not winning, then, you are a loser or worse, a failure. It can be difficult to understand and process for a young person. However, as I grew older and maturity came into play, I discovered that life is not about who’s on the top or who’s first, who’s the prettiest, smartest, richest, etc. It’s all about focusing on my unique abilities and God-given talent so I can become the best version of myself so I can encourage and empower others to embrace positive change. My ‘failure’, ‘past mistakes’, ‘difficult people’ and ‘negative peeps’ were actually my greatest teachers. Try these three steps now to celebrate your strengths and accomplishments.

1. Know your strengths and celebrate them.

You are an amazing person, you have gifts and talents that you can look into right now. If you don’t know them yet it’s okay, you’re about to discover them slowly but surely. Focus on the things that you are good at. Are you good at speaking, writing, painting, jewelry making, etc? Think of three things that make you feel alive and excited. Find time to do them.

2. Do only the things that spark joy.

This may sound difficult to process but trust me. You can pretend to like what you are doing now because it’s comfortable, familiar, you’re used to it. But if you are not happy with anything that you are doing. You could get stuck in misery, complaining, being negative and it will only hurt you and your loved ones in the long run. Decide now to focus your energy on the things that spark joy.

3. Celebrate your progress.

A client told me that her life has changed and how our coaching sessions helped her focus on the things that she wants to pursue, she learned that her mindset has to change including her habits and positive transformation is a process and it takes time. She’s very happy and proud of her own success and progress. I told her to celebrate her success, keep going and never give up on her dreams. It’s time that you give yourself credit for the hard work that you’ve done. And yes, I am proud to help my soul sisters transform, and become their own Positive Chick.

Need help? Book your complimentary session now. Your amazing life is waiting for you to say YES!