10 Ways to Remaining Positive while Honoring your Sensitive Self


To those who don’t know me yet I’m Hazel Fernandez, founder of www.positivechick.com and a Positive Chick Dream Builder Life Coach. “My goal is to bring positivity back in to your life and empower the Positive Chick soul sister I have in you.”

I am highly sensitive and I feel people’s energy whether it’s positive or negative before they even say a word. Therefore, I unknowingly take on other people’s pain, grief, fear, doubt and worry. I only realized this last year. I notice that through people’s eyes, they way their body moves, the way they talk and their whole aura. At first, I felt weird about it because I’ve never felt like this before. So I got curious. Did my own research and study. I am definitely a highly sensitive person. So I learnt to protect myself from the negative energy around me especially when people starts talking about their problems, issues, complaints. It doesn’t mean that they can’t share their issues with me yet I have to make sure that I am not taking their own problems with me personally. I too have my own challenges, a negative voice in my head and if I am not mindful, I can fall into being negative, whine and pout. However, the great news is, as I learnt new things and unlearn my old ways, I’ve decided to choose to stay positive in all that I do because it makes me feel great, happy better and positive, of course. It feels lighter, right? I now protect myself and keep my distance from anything or anyone who comes to me and spew their negative and toxic energy at me especially when they tell me about their complaints about another person. I am far from perfect and I love my imperfect ways yet I choose to be responsible with the energy that I bring to the table as much as I can without judging or blaming myself if I fail. I have to protect my energy field or else I can’t serve 100% if I am not taking care of myself.

Protect yourself from the melodrama, woe is my stories, complaints, excessive whining about the weather, traffic, being broke, positive energy vampires, and anything toxic or negative. Flee! You deserve to feel great and not a dumping ground of people’s sh*t! Be nice and polite yet you are your absolute first responsibility.

10 ways to staying positive while honoring your sensitive self

  1. Meditate & pray (10-15)
  2. I have a gratitude journal where I write the people and things I am grateful for
  3. Positive Affirmations
  4. Drink my juice and tons of water to flush out the toxins
  5. Exercise (Pilates)
  6. Surround myself with positive-minded Positive Chicks only
  7. I have my occasional solitary retreat (locked away from the world of chaos and negativity)
  8. Eat healthy and shy away from junk food or alchohol as much as possible
  9. If I fail to practice, 1-8, I forgive myself, stay gentle, without any negative self-talk, guilt, judgment, worry, self-hatred or blame
  10. I am a go-giver. I am already wealthy and abundant because of what I have right now. I bring my best self everywhere and I’m open to giving my smile, it’s free to brighten someone’s day and me mindful of what I can do at any given moment.

Are you a highly sensitive person like me? Or an empath who is taking on other people’s energies? What are your self-care tips for everyone who might need your amazing thoughts? Feel free to share your comments below and sharing this tips to your highly sensitive friends might help too!